Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crib Notes

Helen's room is really coming together now. We got her crib about a week ago, and got it put together with only a few hiccups. It even has sheets on it! Granted, they haven't quite been washed yet, but I wanted y'all to get the full effect. I have to admit, though, I haven't started washing anything of hers. I'm waiting to just be positive that she is, in fact, female! Crazy, I know, but I feel like I need to be sure! Ha! Anyway, here are some pics of the room + crib. You can also see the new knobs on the dresser. I had to get pink & green because there weren't enough green when I finally got back to Hobby Lobby. Also, Kevin installed the new quarter round molding on the baseboards that looks fab--thanks, honey ;)
As far as my health, I am having to start taking many more breaks throughout the day because my feet & back are hurting so much now. I am still managing at least a mile walk a day, though. I feel like if I quit that, everything will go downhill! I am clinging to it, even though I go slower and slower each day. Thank goodness I have Oscar to keep dragging me along!


  1. oh jessie....
    you go mama !!!
    love it...
    am so PROUD and HAPPY for you and kevin...
    love, candee'
