Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are you there God?

It's me, Jessie.

I digress.

*My mother actually asked me if those were my feet in the above pic. Grrr... As much as it feels like it, no, mom, not my actual cankles.

We had our 36 week appointment today with the doctor. I actually got Kevin to come with me! Poor thing, this was the worst one so far...the first week that the doctor checks for cervix effacement and dilation (he also does some other nasty things that I won't get into). I've been told this doesn't hurt...well, IT DOES. And don't let them tell you different, ladies. Anyway, turns out I am about 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. Needless to say, not enough for this baby to come out tomorrow. The doc could feel her head way down low, though, so that's good. We're almost there! (Oh, please, please let us almost be there...)


  1. Accckkkk!! Oh my gosh, she's almost here. I am so excited! And, I really doubt that you have cankles. Drama queen.
