Wednesday, February 4, 2009


After my 28 week appointment today with the doctor, I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything is looking great, and Helen is still growing one week ahead of schedule. I am starting to have an appointment every 2 weeks now instead of once a month, and my next sonogram is at 34 weeks.
Honestly, I am so ready to get this girl out of me! Pregnancy has been full of ups and downs. The ups: Giving life and the feeling that brings you is amazing! Wearing elastic jeans is also amazing! I think those are the only 2 ups. Ha! The downs: INDEGESTION! HEARTBURN! Those are my two biggest issues right now. But it is also inconvenient to just not feel normal. Not being able to come home and have a glass of wine with my husband or eat some raw sushi. It almost makes you feel like you're sick.
I make this sound really bad, but believe me, I know that this is all for a good cause. When I lay eyes on my baby girl everything will all be worth it. You betcha.

Helen is the size of a chinese cabbage this week.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your comment on my blog- I guess I will go ahead and admit this isn't the first time I have been to your blog either! I am just waiting to see what your nursery is going to look like :)
